Izumonokuni Nitamai Rice
This premium rice is grown in terraced paddies surrounded by abundant vegetation, at an elevation of 300 to 500 meters. Delicious when freshly cooked, it retains its fluffy texture when cool, and is also perfect for rice balls and bento box meals. A rice cooker is recommended for cooking.
- Sales price in Japan(JPY) : 1,500 yen
- Volume : 2kg
- Shelf life : - (Please store in a cool, dry environment.)
- Quantity per case : 15 bags
- Minimum order lot : 1 case
- Package size : W 190 mm x D 320 mm x H 50 mm Weight 2.02kg
- Case size : W 380 mm x D 580 mm x H 200 mm Weight 30.08kg
- Ingredients : Koshihikari species of rice (grown in Nita District, Shimane Prefecture)