Blessings of Tomatoes 500ml
This unique liquor is made with tomato and rice shochu (distilled sake spirit). The taste of the alcohol is modest, with an impressive acidity, body, and sweetness. Adding milk creates a milder taste, whereas yogurt increases fruitiness by blending the flavors of fermentation. For health-conscious consumers, soy milk is a great addition.
- Sales price in Japan(JPY) : 1,380 yen
- Volume : 500 ml
- Shelf life : 10 months (Ambient temperature)
- Quantity per case : 6 bottles
- Minimum order lot : 3 cases
- Package size : W 68 mm x D 68 mm x H 310 mm Weight 950g
- Case size : W 225 mm x D 156 mm x H 336 mm Weight 6050g
- Ingredients : tomatoes (produced in Yoshika, Shimane, Japan), rice shochu (100% Japanese rice), sugars, citric acid